Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Invisalign dental braces are an alternative to traditional braces, and are virtually invisible to the eye. Invisalign uses a series of removable, clear custom trays that straighten the teeth over a period of time. The success of the treatment requires strict compliance of the patient. Not all cases can be treated with Invisalign. New City dentist Drs. Bernstein & Auerbach are certified Invisalign dentists, and can help you determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign. We call Invisalign “computerized orthodontics,” because impressions of patients’ teeth are scanned into a computer and teeth are moved using 3-D digital animation. Clear trays, known as aligners, are made to match the models fabricated from the digital computerized images. A patient receives a series of trays, and with each tray, teeth move a little more. The number of trays depends upon the amount of crowding or spacing a patient has.Research done by Invisalign reveals that 80% of patients with a bad bite or “malocclusion” can be treated and corrected with Invisalign dental braces. Because Drs. Bernstein & Auerbach were one of the first dentists to use the Invisalign system of orthodontics, they have a wealth of experience with this new technology. New City dentist Drs. Bernstein & Auerbach are both certified Invisalign dentists. Go to their website: teethandgums


Anna Schafer said...

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